Strongest in Estonia 2024

We are once again pleased to announce that Profloors OÜ received the “Strongest in Estonia 2024” certificate for 2023 and achieved a high rating of AA-very good, which proves the company’s good trustworthiness, economic and financial position, and payment habits.
Profloors AA certificate

Edukas Eesti Ettevõtte 2022

Profloors OÜ sai 2021. a eest “Strongest in Estonia 2022” tunnistuse ja saavutas kõrge reitingu AAA-väga hea,
millega tõendatakse ettevõtte head usaldusväärtust, majandus- ja finantsseisu ning maksekombeid. 

Successful Estonian Company 2019

Profloors OÜ gained once again the title of Successful Estonian Company and credit rating AA, that proves trustworthiness, good economic and financial situation and excellent payment behavior.

Successful Estonian Company 2018

Profloors OÜ gained once again the title of Successful Estonian Company and credit rating AAA, that proves trustworthiness, good economic and financial situation and excellent payment behavior.

Profloors has reached first time to the TOP of Gasell !

Profloors thanks all it`s parters with whom one more successful year is reaching to the end. Profloors reached first time to the TOP of Gasell. It means that the turnover and the profit of the company has crown 50% since 2014.

Successful Estonian Company 2017

Profloors gained once again the title of Successful Estonian Company and credit rating AA, that proves trustworthiness, good economic and financial situation and excellent payment behavior.

Meil valmis uus koduleht!

Meil valmis uus koduleht! Siit leiate palju põnevat meie toodete kohta, lai valik põrandakatteid, spordiväljakuid, välispordiväljakuid ja ka lisatarvikuid.

Lehe aitas valmis teha Art Media.

Successful Estonian Company 2016!

Profloors gained the title of Successful Estonian Company and credit rating AA, that proves trustworthiness, good economic and financial situation and excellent payment behavior.